Photography by Dennis Phan





Former USA President Bill Clinton once said he has heard of American Dream but he has never heard of any other county dream in that matter. It was quite an interesting remark.

There was a big surge of Vietnamese refugees wave from mid 70's to mid 80's last century commonly known as "boat people". I was one of them. During that time, most refugees chose the United States as their number one choice to settle permanently. I was among them. We unconsciously followed our American Dreams. The main goal is to find a major English speaking country so we can work right away upon settling since we already learned English in our home country. If we select a non English speaking country, then we have to take an extra process of learning another language before we can adapt ourselves to that country. The issue is there are other major English speaking countries such as England, Australia and Canada just to name a few. However, the majority of us picked the United States. Fortunately, I was able to settle in the United States so I can pursuit my own American Dream.

I still remember my first morning walk in Korea Town neighborhood when I first got there. It was a big contrast of where I had lived in Vietnam and Hong Kong. Everything was so peaceful. I literally saw an English For Today text book description of an American small town with my own eyes. People walked their dogs on sidewalk and watered their plants in the balcony. People got on the bus orderly and greeting like they have known each others for years. "Good morning bus driver, how are you?" when they got in and "Have a nice day" when they got out was a norm back then. I felt even the air I breathed was different.

My American Dream process started with some struggling at first due to language and financial hardship. The American government has it all planned out for us. To overcome language disadvantage, ESL (English as a Second Language) courses were introduced to new students. To offer financial help, welfare and medical benefit were given to those who qualified to establish themselves in a new environment. I remember when I took the bus to apply for my ID card, I was waiting at a bus station near USC campus. Back then, I remembered my wish was to get in this prestigious university. The thought came and gone quickly because I thought there was no way I could make it. Two years later, I was admitted by both USC and UCLA. I chose UCLA to pursuit my higher education goal. Dreams do come true!

After I graduated, my American Dream preparation was done and the execution process started. I was lucky enough to find the jobs I love and smoothly proceed to achieve my American Dream. There was obstacles along the way but my persistence pushed me through. The USA constitution only guarantees the right to pursuit happiness but not the happiness itself. Achieving it or not is totally up to the individuals.

After the Vietnamese government open door policy to welcome tourists, I came back to Vietnam numerous times to visit Ha Noi, Ha Long Bay, Sapa, Ninh Binh, Da Nang, Hoi An, Hue, Nha Trang and Saigon. My hometown Nha Trang remains my favorite city due to its weather, delicious street food and easily accessible beach. When I was wondering around Dam Market (Chợ Đầm) near my old residences, I bumped into some of old timers who happened to recognize me. I was asked if I had regretted leaving Vietnam knowing the properties my parents left behind are now worth a lot of money. I never regret, even for a second, my decision to leave. I see myself as a happy tourist visiting Nha Trang but I don't see it as a permanent Nha Trang resident. If I chose to stay and know I have missed tremendous opportunities in a country half way around the globe, I would be very miserable. To me, the opportunities I get for me and my future generations are priceless.

To close this article, I like to yell out loud from the bottom of my heart:







Dennis Phan   潘家墉

Khai Minh, UCLA, and Investools Alumni

Upland, California, USA, 29 Jul 2024


















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